woensdag 9 februari 2011

I'm terrible at SPSS/PASW FML

I started a new spss/pasw course this morning at 09:00 o'clock. We had to do assignments and the first one was to create a data set for two persons. I really did not know how or where to start ! After half an hour I asked the person next to me to help me. She quickly looked at my screen and said well that is ok... (rolling eyes). The other questions were hell too, for me at least...

It seemed to me that everybody knew how to do all the analyses on the data set and that I was the only noob in the entire computer room that was completely clueless. I sat there for an hour and a half and I asked for the correct output.

I started looking at the assignments again at a quiet place in the hall (on my macbook) and I tried again. Because I really want to know how to do it ! The output helped me in now way. Except that I saw that my effort was futile and my output was wrong. I feel like a dumbass again :(

I put my books aside and I'm looking at the weird bum that sits in this hall everyday. he smells and has a lot of Albert Heijn bags with him. The closet behind where he sits is full of weird crap. He is very busy writing something. I wonder what.... He keeps making these weird noises. First he yelled and now his throat keeps producing this high pitched sqeeky sound.... So weird and creepy. But annoying in the first place. I texted my bf about him and he immediatley knew who i was talking about hahahah. I wonder why he is allowed to enter the building. Maybe because he looks like one of the teachers ?

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