So I watched the Lovely bones yesterday with my bf.
It's a very good movie, Stanley Tucci really gave me the Skeevies as mr. Harvey !
I only hated the part that he got rid of her bones that easily and really got away with alllll those girls he murdered ! Yeah, okay he, died, but he should have paid for it!
Why should that poor mark wahlberg get a beating after loosing his daughter? Some guys have all the luck...
Thing is maybe it's weird because it reminds me so much of Milly Boele. She got killed this year by her neighbour who burried her in his garden. I see so much simmilarities.
Kids should be aware of pedophiles, but they aren't. We think iewww... creepy old geezer stay away from me! Kids however have this innocence upon them that makes them see no harm in checking out their neighbours creepy club house under a corn field. My first sense is, this motherfucker wants to rape and kill me down there... hell no ! Like Oprah says, never let them take you to location B.
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