zondag 25 april 2010
Eva Oe la La !
So I told a friend of mine that I think that Eva Mendes is hot. So his reaction was, do you have eva fantasies ? (typical guy thoughts....)
No, however if I was a lesbian, I would hahahahah.
She kinda looks like a latin version of Cindy Crawford now I think about it. She's still hotter than /cindy though in my opinion.
zaterdag 24 april 2010
Avatar New Release
I liked avatar as a movie but that was it. People could write books on how cool they taught the movie to be. Yeah well whatever.
James Cameron announced that he will release Avatar this August with SIX extra minutes of film !
you can't pluck from a bold chicken
worst thing is that I just know that people are going to want to see those 6 extra minutes....
don't get me wrong I'm not an avatar hater but this is getting crazy. Haven't you made enough cash yet James ?
vrijdag 23 april 2010
The Beauty Bakery
Tom cruise is a fudgepacker with seamen on his back hahah
Do you have the time ?
These are some of my favorite cK Watches:

ck suspension mirror, the first ck watch that ever caught my eye

ck mirror, the only one of these I like in gold

ck hypnotic

This is the cK flash, wow I love it , stainless steel with glass !
It's really expensive though, too bad.... (240)
If I could choose two of them I would want the cK suspension and the cK flash. One big one and one subtle watch to put emphazise on my small wrist. And to break the silver just add the gold one (235)(a)
ck suspension mirror, the first ck watch that ever caught my eye
ck mirror, the only one of these I like in gold
ck hypnotic
This is the cK flash, wow I love it , stainless steel with glass !
It's really expensive though, too bad.... (240)
If I could choose two of them I would want the cK suspension and the cK flash. One big one and one subtle watch to put emphazise on my small wrist. And to break the silver just add the gold one (235)(a)
Crazy shades
I warned you..
I was stressing because I had to do an exam on Blackboard yesterday. My bf was sitting on my bed and I was making the exam on my computer. He was sitting very closely to the on and off button of my computer so I warned him to be careful, because I couldn't retake the test.
guess what happened?
I'm kinda pissed of, because I warned him and I missed a workday. However I know that he didn't meant to shut down the computer and he is feeling so bad about it, so I'm only a little bit agitated because I have to retake the whole class now and I can't participate in the last to exams.
guess what happened?
I'm kinda pissed of, because I warned him and I missed a workday. However I know that he didn't meant to shut down the computer and he is feeling so bad about it, so I'm only a little bit agitated because I have to retake the whole class now and I can't participate in the last to exams.
donderdag 22 april 2010
funny gossip girl quote that's all
Chuck: if I knew his name, I'd kill him.
Nate: Because you kill people now? What, you gonna hunt him down with your scarf?
Chuck: Don't mock the scarf, Nathaniel. It's my signature.
Nate: I'm just saying. Dead by scarf. Not that impressive
Nate: Because you kill people now? What, you gonna hunt him down with your scarf?
Chuck: Don't mock the scarf, Nathaniel. It's my signature.
Nate: I'm just saying. Dead by scarf. Not that impressive
Lean on me : Glee vs Bill Whiters
So my best friend told me a while back about Glee. I saw a little bit but I couldn't be less interested at that moment. Untill I heard the lean on me cover. I think that the original is way better, but I can appreciate the whole gospel like vibe they gave to it.
Decide for yourself:
Bill Whiters
Decide for yourself:
Bill Whiters
zondag 18 april 2010
Bombs awayyyyyyyyyyyyyy
So my dad told me yesterday, that he is going to jump from a plane ! I envy him, oh boy sign me up as well !
Up in the air there's no need to worry, wind through my hair no time to hurry, and And oooh oh I'm falling through the clouds,Oh, I'm shouting out loud.
This song is the perfect skydiving anthem !
Running nose
vrijdag 16 april 2010
I have this new iPhone app with stereograms. A stereogram is a picture with a hidden 3D picture in it ! If you look cross eyed( that does the trick for me) you can see it!
It's really funny and it took me a while to succeed but it is really cool. at www.eyetricks.com you can make your own stereogram !
here is an example

It's a skull !
It's really funny and it took me a while to succeed but it is really cool. at www.eyetricks.com you can make your own stereogram !
here is an example
It's a skull !
maandag 5 april 2010
Nicolette Kluiver in Playboy
The Lovely Bones
***Warning Spoiler Alert***

So I watched the Lovely bones yesterday with my bf.
It's a very good movie, Stanley Tucci really gave me the Skeevies as mr. Harvey !
I only hated the part that he got rid of her bones that easily and really got away with alllll those girls he murdered ! Yeah, okay he, died, but he should have paid for it!
Why should that poor mark wahlberg get a beating after loosing his daughter? Some guys have all the luck...
Thing is maybe it's weird because it reminds me so much of Milly Boele. She got killed this year by her neighbour who burried her in his garden. I see so much simmilarities.
Kids should be aware of pedophiles, but they aren't. We think iewww... creepy old geezer stay away from me! Kids however have this innocence upon them that makes them see no harm in checking out their neighbours creepy club house under a corn field. My first sense is, this motherfucker wants to rape and kill me down there... hell no ! Like Oprah says, never let them take you to location B.
So I watched the Lovely bones yesterday with my bf.
It's a very good movie, Stanley Tucci really gave me the Skeevies as mr. Harvey !
I only hated the part that he got rid of her bones that easily and really got away with alllll those girls he murdered ! Yeah, okay he, died, but he should have paid for it!
Why should that poor mark wahlberg get a beating after loosing his daughter? Some guys have all the luck...
Thing is maybe it's weird because it reminds me so much of Milly Boele. She got killed this year by her neighbour who burried her in his garden. I see so much simmilarities.
Kids should be aware of pedophiles, but they aren't. We think iewww... creepy old geezer stay away from me! Kids however have this innocence upon them that makes them see no harm in checking out their neighbours creepy club house under a corn field. My first sense is, this motherfucker wants to rape and kill me down there... hell no ! Like Oprah says, never let them take you to location B.
What it is like to be a bat
Noooo I'm not talking about this guy here.
What it is like to be a bat is a philisophical essay from Thomas Nagel about the subjective world. You could try to imagine (or not, why would you ?) what it would be like to be a bat, but you can't you just can't !
And even if you turned into one or dressed up like batman, you still wouldn't know !
Read it, and be an intellectual.
It's a fun party conversation, or not...
probably not.
Vacation !
donderdag 1 april 2010
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